

I’ve been using this app called “Streaks” lately, and it tracks how many days/weeks in a row I do my daily/weekly goals. 

For example I have one for practicing French, one for tidying for 10 minutes, one for DOING MY TUESDAY BLOG POST (yay), etc.

Practicing French and taking my garlic vitamin (long story) every day has been going good. As you can see, my water phase has reached it’s end. I tried drinking 96 oz of water a day for 24 days in a row, and nothing changed, except I had to pee all the time! I don’t know what people are talking about when they say “my skin was glowing after I started drinking more water!” NO. WRONG. I initially drank a gallon a day for a whole week, and felt like it was a little too much for my body….

I’d highly recommend the 10-minute daily clean. My best streak for that was 12 days in a row. Our apartment stayed really clean and fresh during those days, and you’d be surprised how much you can do in 10 minutes! Just set a timer on your phone and listen to music. 

I have a workout streak on there. It’s grayed out in the picture because I only have to do it Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. And today is Tuesday, duh! I missed yesterday’s workout so I’m back down to 0. At first I thought the bump down to 0 times in a row was depressing, but I’m getting used to the app, and it’s keeping me more motivated than without it. 

Not a sponsored post….please sponsor me….

sunglasses from céline, jacket from h&m, sweater thrifted from house of vintage, jeans from need supply by cheap monday, boots by creatures of comfort. 

sunglasses from céline, jacket from h&m, sweater thrifted from house of vintage, jeans from need supply by cheap monday, boots by creatures of comfort.