happy birthday joe

I had so much trouble writing this post about Joe.

I think I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do him justice, like words alone weren’t able to describe how I love him or how awesome he is. The fear of this paralyzed my writing brain. I’ve never publicly written about Joe - the most important person in my life.

How do you describe someone you love so much? How do you make it sound original and not trite? How can I explain that he’s my best friend without everyone thinking, “yeah, that’s how every relationship is…” It’s not the same. He's my soulmate.

Happy Birthday, 28-year-old Joe. You’ve always been the youngest in our friend groups, but no one would ever notice. Your wisdom and attitude is far beyond your years. You offer a calming presence, a listening ear, a peacemaking attitude, a thoughtful mind, a powerful perspective. You’re all this and more, and still, you haven’t reached your full potential. It’s so amazing to think that every year we’re together, you grow more and more beautiful.

I’m so lucky to have you.


You’re the kind of person everyone likes and the kind of person anyone can get along with. I can’t think of a single person you’ve ever offended or a single person you’ve rubbed the wrong way. Everyone I’ve met from your past and present respects and admires you. You even charm older ladies in the supermarket with your lovely locks and icy blue eyes. 

In contrast with me, a required-taste and a feisty personality, you seem like a saint. Thank you for loving me so well and never faltering. 

I’ve compared myself to you for years, worrying that you’re too good for me, too even-tempered for me, too perfect for me, and too good-looking for me. 

Now I’m learning to just be thankful you’re here.

No one gets this Joe, but me. 




opening up

Being misunderstood is one of my greatest fears. Maybe that seems dumb to you, but don’t misunderstand me. Maybe it's one of your fears, too.

Sharing what you think is scary. You think what you think for a reason. Because of your background and your experiences. When other people misunderstand what you think, they essentially misunderstand your life/who you are/who you were/whatever.

I’m scared to say what I think online or even worse, in public to real faces.

What if they get offended? (always thought people got offended too easily)

What if they tell me I’m ignorant? (why do I care what others think about me?)

What if I get unfollowed? (#yikes)

What if I ruin my reputation? (cue Joan Jett)

But what if…

Someone agrees and we form a new friendship?

I help someone else open up?

I take off my bland visage and become who I really am?

What if I finally feel free?

Hardly anyone knows who I am. Probably hardly anyone knows who you are. Is it important to share yourself online? Maybe not. But is it bad to bottle yourself up? Yes.

My friend told me about this quote, and I think it's fitting: "That is, to be ourselves cause us to be exiled by many others, and yet to comply with what others want causes us to be exiled from ourselves." - Clarissa Pinkola Estes

I feel bottled up. I’m shook. Pop. Fizzzzzzzz. Here I am.


thirty years

I’m 30 today. After all the hype, it’s finally here, and I feel…THE SAME!

I’ve been thinking about what to write about this birthday for a while. What wisdom can I impart? Do I have any in the first place? ;) I went through the whole, “holy crap! I’m gonna be 30!” phase. And “wow, did I do everything I wanted to do before 30?”

Then yesterday, I came to the conclusion, “WHO CARES?!” This past year I’ve been learning to make the distinction between what people think of me and what I think of me. Here is a perfect time to practice. Why do we think 30 is old/a milestone/a benchmark? Why do we think we need to have a, b, or c accomplished before 30?

We put that pressure on ourselves (or we think other people are putting it on us). All that matters is that you’re slowly moving towards who you want to be and what you want to do. And age doesn’t matter.

I’m a little bit happier, a little more enlightened, and a little bit closer to my goals than last year, so YAY.


Things this past year of life has taught me:

  • The most important person you need love from isn’t your s/o, your friends, your parents, or even God. It’s you. You need to love you.

  • Mindset changes everything.

  • If you don’t like something about yourself, you can change it.

  • If you tell yourself, "everything is hard for me," everything will seem hard for you.

  • If you tell yourself, "everything is easy for me," everything will seem easy for you.

  • If your brain is spiraling out of control with a thought or feeling, label it “thinking” or “feeling,” and it will calm your mind.

  • There’s no use stressing about things you can’t control. It’s a waste of energy (something I always “knew” but never really knew).

  • Also, everything is going to be okay.


2018 goals


The new year is a good time to think about starting over and setting goals because... when is it not a good idea to challenge yourself to be better. Plus everyone is talking about it, so it's really motivating or FOMO or both (I like both).


I'm a little scared to set goals because I don't really trust myself to follow through. I see myself time and time again not doing what I asked myself to do, and it makes me believe I'm just a lazy kid who will always be that way. But who cares?! That was the past. I love myself, and I get infinity number of chances to do what's right for me, right?! because I live in this body and I live this life and who will live it if not me? So goals...


1. learn to trust myself.

2. love myself a little bit more. 


3. meditate in the morning during the week.

4. yoga in the morning during the week.


5. read at least two self help books.

6. move to a new state.


7. get a photography agent.

8. grow my instagram following (vague, but yeah) for @imokaygirl

9. travel to Paris.

10. stand up straighter.

(coat by vartist, sunglasses by sun buddies, top from h&m, jeans by levis, bag by coach (thrifted), boots by creatures of comfort)

san francisco


The best thing we did in San Francisco was going on the tour of Azkaban....I mean Alcatraz. I kept calling it Azkaban, though. 

The next best thing was getting to hang out with my brother and sister-in-law and enjoy the best pad see ew ever three nights in a row :)

how to thrift without going insane


Thrifting can be exhausting. For a while I promised myself to only buy new clothes because thrifting was so annoying, and... why would you want to spend money on things that were already worn out? Well...

Lately I've had a change of heart. It could have something to do with my new thrifting technique/stamina. See below for my 100 step guideline on how to thrift. Just kidding. But seriously, read on.


I've been having a lot of success thrifting these days and a lot of energy to go (success begets drive)(that sounded like poetry).

Like any good "how to" on the internet, the strategy is simple and something you probably already thought of.

Before I go into a thrift store, I decide what I'm looking for.

I imagine one or two things I'm hoping to find, and then only look through sections that would have those pieces. For example before I got these pants (up there ^), I decided I wanted navy blue, thick trousers, and then I went to goodwill. I walked straight to the pant section, and only pulled out pants that were navy blue and had a thick texture. I brought all my top nominees to the dressing room and found a winner. I won. And I wasn't even tired because I was searching for like 15 minutes. Then I left. 

Look at all those saved pictures on your instagram, and pick one or two pieces you really want, then give yourself the goal of only looking for those things. It narrows down what your eye sees and leaves you feeling less overwhelmed which in turn keeps you sane in the long run.

Another important tip, don't get something if it's really worn down or you find yourself saying "I can fix it". You're not going to fix it, okay? Get something that's intact. 

When I don't have success, I don't stress because I didn't just spend hours and hours searching through every section, and I know I'll find what I want next time.

The end.

(jacket from h&m, sweater thrifted from vintage pink, pants thrifted from goodwill, loafers thrifted from goodwill, bag...you can't really see it, but I got it from a friend who sells vintage)

new favorite things


Here's a few of my recent favorite small things. I found a new fragrance at Johan. It's a collaboration between Monocle and Comme Des Garçons.

MONOCLE Scent One: Hinoki

Another recent favorite is a mask by Root Science. I have really sensitive skin, and this mask doesn't bother me which is always a plus. It dries hard on your face, and then is then can be used as an exfoliator as you wash it off. The first time we (my husband and I) used this, our skin looked visibly cleaner. 

ROOT SCIENCE Facial Mask: Reborn

The last two things are earrings that I thrifted in Racine, WI in a my favorite antique store called School Days Mall. Whenever I go back home to visit family, we go thrifting here.